Saturday, March 22, 2014

Raising Baby Chicks, Week 1, Part 2: Crazy Chicken Lady Photos

So I might have gone a little overboard with photos of the chicks in the first week.  In my defense, it wasn't solely because they were so cute. :)  I really wanted to be able to tell them apart, because the girls and I wanted to name them.  I found it very hard to tell especially the Barred Rocks apart, although I spent some time trying at first.  The others I did better with at first, but after a while it soon became apparent that they were changing in appearance so quickly that my efforts were mostly in vain, at least for the time being. 

But before I figured that out, I insisted on getting nice photos of each one of them, from various angles, to help me determine who was who.  It did help some.  But we haven't officially named any of them yet (some have acquired unofficial names, though), and have decided that we'll wait until they're older, at which point we may put leg bands on them, which will do more than tell us their names, especially if we end up getting any other chickens later.

So, here are more pictures, a few with people holding them, and then the "studio" (not really!) pictures.  They were all taken on 2/24/14.  They were about half a week old and already starting to get tail and wing feathers.  Don't worry, I'm not going to post pictures of every single one of them at different angles.  I'm not THAT kooky... yet. ;)

Barred Rock

Cinnamon Queen



Cinnamon Queen

Cinnamon Queen.  See her cute little wing feathers starting?

Cinnamon Queen

Barred Rock

Barred Rock

Barred Rock from above.

Silver-Laced Wyandotte

Silver-Laced Wyandotte

Silver-Laced Wyandotte from above.

Cinnamon Queen

Cinnamon Queen

Cinnamon Queen

Cinnamon Queen, sort of from above. She was a little restless and tough to photograph.

See her bitty tail feathers starting?

They were also learning to perch and "fly" quite quickly.  Barred Rock and Cinnamon Queen.

Zion overseeing them... and a "reality" background, sigh.  Baby chicks aren't the only babies who are messy (and it's not always just the babies, either, I have to admit)....

For more about our chicken experience, follow this link, or click on the "CHICKENS" tab at the top of the page.

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