As we're approaching the end of the year, I'm thinking about what I'd like to get read with the remainder of the time I have. And sometimes it's just fun to think about what books I *want* to read. Sometimes some are the same as the books I need to read, which is nice. Other times I have things to read that aren't quite as enjoyable, but are good for me to read anyway. But this isn't a list for them. This is a fun list, affected by mood and moment. How many of these will I be able to finish before the end of the year? Only a few. *Maybe* as many as six. That would probably be mostly shorter ones, and I'll be thrilled if I get to more than that. Pretty sure the Count and Les Mis won't be in that number, ha. Maybe next year....
1. Quiet by Susan Cain. I want to finish this book so bad. Instead I'm almost done with Part 2 and moving at a snail's pace. But at least I'm moving right now. I wasn't even doing that for months.
2. Animal Farm by George Orwell. I just started this, which I get to re-read as a preread for my children, and I'm excited about it. It will be nice to revisit from an adult perspective, and discussing it with my two oldest this year will be an enjoyable bonus, I'm sure.
3. Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves. I am getting close to the end of this -- just 3 cantos remaining -- and I'm really enjoying it. Bethany just started it, but is enjoying it also. It has some discussion points we need to touch base on together.
4. Pride and Prejudice. This will be a preread. I'm starting to get into older literature a bit. I'm surprising myself. I think I'm going to like this.
5. Lorna Doone. I already have a copy of this but haven't started it b/c it's very long and I have so many other books to read. However, I sort of know some of the plot now and I'm interested in starting it. Alas, so much else to read...
6. David Copperfield. I'm a few chapters into this. Since it's only a Free Read option for my children I've prioritized it less, but I really do want to read this.
7. The Count of Monte Cristo. This book has been highly recommended by more than one person whose recommendations I value, including my brother Clint. Which means I simply must read it eventually. Plus it's a preread for my children. So there you go.
8. Sarah, Plain and Tall. This will be a reread, and quite the contrast with many of these others, as it's a book I read in elementary school. I just want to revisit it.
9. Underground History of American Education by John Gatto. I've started this book, but I'm not very far into it. I don't really know why. I find it fascinating every time I sit down with it. I think I just need to take the time to get into it to the point at which it completely draws me in. Maybe after I'm done with Quiet?
10. Ayn Rand and the World She Made. Because she's an interesting person.
11. John Adams by David McCullough. I started this a long time ago, got delayed and never got back to it. But now it's a pre read for my daughter for next year. Hopefully that means I'll actually get it read. But since my husband has read it, I might have to prioritize other things and just let him share it with her. We'll see. It's a really good book by all accounts, and I was really enjoying it before. I hate to miss out on it!
12. Les Miserables. I just want to be more familiar with this classic. Even if it does have impossible French names and a length that makes me cringe a bit. Plus I'll probably want the children to read it.
13. Northanger Abbey. Bethany is interested in this, and I've heard it's good.
14. The Peterkin Papers. I thought this would be fun to read with the children. I just started it with them last night, and we're enjoying it so far.
15. The Thurber Carnival. Because I enjoyed The Wonderful O and James Thurber is funny. I need some humor right now.
Which of these have you read? What did you think of them? What are some books you'd like to read?
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Book reviews previously posted on this blog.
A list of my current reads and books read recently.
1. Quiet by Susan Cain. I want to finish this book so bad. Instead I'm almost done with Part 2 and moving at a snail's pace. But at least I'm moving right now. I wasn't even doing that for months.
2. Animal Farm by George Orwell. I just started this, which I get to re-read as a preread for my children, and I'm excited about it. It will be nice to revisit from an adult perspective, and discussing it with my two oldest this year will be an enjoyable bonus, I'm sure.
3. Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves. I am getting close to the end of this -- just 3 cantos remaining -- and I'm really enjoying it. Bethany just started it, but is enjoying it also. It has some discussion points we need to touch base on together.
4. Pride and Prejudice. This will be a preread. I'm starting to get into older literature a bit. I'm surprising myself. I think I'm going to like this.
5. Lorna Doone. I already have a copy of this but haven't started it b/c it's very long and I have so many other books to read. However, I sort of know some of the plot now and I'm interested in starting it. Alas, so much else to read...
6. David Copperfield. I'm a few chapters into this. Since it's only a Free Read option for my children I've prioritized it less, but I really do want to read this.
7. The Count of Monte Cristo. This book has been highly recommended by more than one person whose recommendations I value, including my brother Clint. Which means I simply must read it eventually. Plus it's a preread for my children. So there you go.
8. Sarah, Plain and Tall. This will be a reread, and quite the contrast with many of these others, as it's a book I read in elementary school. I just want to revisit it.
9. Underground History of American Education by John Gatto. I've started this book, but I'm not very far into it. I don't really know why. I find it fascinating every time I sit down with it. I think I just need to take the time to get into it to the point at which it completely draws me in. Maybe after I'm done with Quiet?
10. Ayn Rand and the World She Made. Because she's an interesting person.
11. John Adams by David McCullough. I started this a long time ago, got delayed and never got back to it. But now it's a pre read for my daughter for next year. Hopefully that means I'll actually get it read. But since my husband has read it, I might have to prioritize other things and just let him share it with her. We'll see. It's a really good book by all accounts, and I was really enjoying it before. I hate to miss out on it!
12. Les Miserables. I just want to be more familiar with this classic. Even if it does have impossible French names and a length that makes me cringe a bit. Plus I'll probably want the children to read it.
13. Northanger Abbey. Bethany is interested in this, and I've heard it's good.
14. The Peterkin Papers. I thought this would be fun to read with the children. I just started it with them last night, and we're enjoying it so far.
15. The Thurber Carnival. Because I enjoyed The Wonderful O and James Thurber is funny. I need some humor right now.
Which of these have you read? What did you think of them? What are some books you'd like to read?
You might also be interested in:
Book reviews previously posted on this blog.
A list of my current reads and books read recently.
I can comment to the Jane Austen books that I simply enjoy her writing style (I've read all of her major works--not sure if she has any minor ones). Specifically, I like the way she describes people and how they observe each other. I remember writing a satirical story of my own using her writing style (I still have it around somewhere). Bethany might enjoy doing that as a related activity if she gets into those books; making up a ridiculous suitor and describing in flowery language the etiquette and behavior of the women of the time. As to the other books, I really can't remember if I made it through Animal Farm (interruptions if I didn't, not a lack of desire). I intend to read Les Miserables sometime, especially after hearing Chris V's review of it.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure your satire is amusing reading. :) Yes, Bethany might enjoy that. She likes creative writing.
DeleteI have several friends who really like Les Mis.
I'm just sure I commented on this already, but it's not here. Sometimes google hasn't been saving comments lately--I've noticed this on my blog as well.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, these are some pretty serious goals for this time of year! I'm so consumed with school right now I can't seem to find time for reading! Sarah, Plain and Tall should be pretty quick for you, however. ;) Oh, and I did not enjoy Northanger Abbey at all. I think Austen is poking fun at the shallow people and culture, but I'm not sure--I just know that it drove me crazy. I wanted to reach into the book and shake some of the characters. Then again, I'm not an Austen fan. shrug
That's frustrating when a comment doesn't post.
DeleteI can't really consider this a list of goals, just a list of wants. :) There's no way I'll get most of it read. I just sort of wish I could.
Yeah, Sarah, Plain and Tall was the first one I read. The only other one I've completed is Pride and Prejudice, which I enjoyed. Interesting that you aren't a fan of Northanger Abbey or Austen. I guess you don't care for Pride and Prejudice, either?
Just popped back in to see if you had any new posts up and saw your question. The truth is, I never finished Pride and Prejudice. blush I just couldn't get into it. Northanger Abbey was my second attempt at Austen, and I did finish it, but there are too many books I truly want to read for me to try another one any time soon!
DeleteUnderstood. One can only read so much. I liked P&P, but have some doubt that I'll like Northanger Abbey as well.