Thursday, August 2, 2012

Curriculum Clean-Out and Bossy Older Siblings

Just a few things I want to mention quickly...

There's a Curriculum Clean-Out at Homeschool Creations.  You can link up through tomorrow.  This is such a good idea!  And fun!  I wonder if I can get together something to give away...  Regardless, I'll share it with you now, so you can participate if you'd like.

And the 4 Moms wrote about Bossy Older Siblings yesterday, which I haven't read yet but hope to today.  Not that I have any bossy older siblings around here... and not that I ever was one... ahem. ;)

moms of many manage

My Large Families page is once again behind on linking to the 4 Moms, but I hope I can eventually get caught up again.

Wouldn't it be fun to be able to do the Weekly Wrap-Up from Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers every week this school year, or at least more often than only once, which is all I've ever done before?  :)  Mostly just wishing here, but I do think it would be neat to have that to look back on.  Do you find it hard to prioritize things on your blog -- even harder than in real life, where I often find myself knowing the priorities more clearly and yet just not wanting to do them all the time -- or is it just me?
Hope you all have a lovely day! :)


  1. Busy post! But yes, I definitely vote in favor of you doing a weekly wrap up post! :)

    1. Well, it's pretty doubtful. Notice I haven't done one yet? :) I really would like to do some eventually, though.
