Happened to have my camera with me in the car when we got our friend Martha's card to her and snagged a photo of her with it. Thanks, Martha! Thanks to others who sent cards, too -- don't happen to have photos of those, though.
Birthday girl! The big 3!
Very pleased with her new crayons and notebook.
We ate cupcake cones.
She also got a little doll and her very own Bible!
These rest of these are of one of Peter's Lego castles. He loves Legos and is very creative with them.
The above is his favorite shot, but he wanted me to take several shots.
This is a view from above.
This is the "breakfast area."
Looking down on the living room.
Not the best photo of him, but here he is posing with his creation.
Happy birthday to Tirzah! Hope you're having fun with your three-year-old! We love cupcake cones around here too--esp with sprinkles! chuckle