Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4 Moms, 35 Kids

I've been spending more time lately reading other people's amazing contributions to the Internet than I have contributing anything to it myself. Isn't it incredible how much information is available? My children already know that if they have a question we can look it up on the Internet. I'd rarely even touched a computer at the age of my oldest child (10), and there was no Internet access available on the ones I did see, I assure you!

Our times often bring to mind that passage in the book of Daniel: "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase" (12:4). What a fascinating verse. But I digress.

I'd like to share what I hope to read today (though you never know what might happen to my plans, ha). I'm linking to some blogs of mothers of large families, who also happen to homeschool. I don't know any of them personally, but I've read some of what they've written and enjoyed it.

The reason I'm posting them here, though, is that they've gotten together to do a series called, "4 Moms, 35 Kids" in which they discuss various aspects of having a large family. A large, homeschooling family, in particular. I think these ladies are all Bible believers as well.

I am literally take notes on this, because having five children now places our family squarely in the "large family" category in most people's eyes, including my own. And I come from a small family. And I don't even know an abundance of families with five or more children. Or an abundance of homeschooling families. And large families that also homeschool? Even fewer. So, yeah. I'm learning from this and loving it. I thought some of you readers might enjoy it too.

They've been doing this on Thursdays. They talked about schedules, then live-blogged their days, and last week talked about outings with lots of little ones. Today they are discussing food budgeting. I'm looking forward to reading it. I'm putting links to all the articles here in one place for my own convenience.

You might also want to read the brief biographies provided, which are found at each site but with different introductory material, so I'll link to each below as well.

Life In a Shoe -- bio -- schedule -- live blog -- outings -- food budget
       -- menu planning -- cooking from scratch -- cooking for a crowd
Raising Olives -- bio -- schedule -- live blog -- outings -- food budget
           -- menu planning -- cooking from scratch  -- cooking for a crowd
Smockity Frocks -- bio -- schedule -- live blog -- outings-- food budget
     -- menu planning -- cooking from scratch  -- cooking for a crowd 
The Common Room -- bio -- schedule-- live blog -- outings-- food budget
       -- menu planning --  cooking from scratch  --  cooking for a crowd

They plan to post more on future Thursdays, too! Hope you enjoy.

*Update 4/22/2010: I've added links to the other topics above as well.*


  1. Thank you for linking to us. It has been a lot of fun working with and learning from these amazing women.

  2. I could spend hours reading these ladies' blogs--when shall I sleep?! lol
