Friday, April 5, 2013

Ultimate Blog Party 2013!

It's time again for the Ultimate Blog Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

At The Mommy Earth, the drinks are non-alcoholic. :)

This year we are in the middle of a move.  I haven't had much time to blog recently due to other priorities anyway.  My blog is still active, just at a slow pace.

A very quick blurb about me:  I'm a Christian wife of an evangelist and a homeschooling mom of six children.  My oldest just became a teenager, and my youngest just learned to say "Mama" clearly.  :)

If you want to know more about me, take a look around the blog.  I may add bit to this post later, but I'm just going to link it up like this right now.

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a lovely day!


  1. Hi! Fellow homeschool blogging mom stopping by from the blog party. Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi! Always nice to meet fellow homeschool moms! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hello from#UBP13. Happy to have found you! The age difference in your kids reminds me of my brothers and myself. I was 15 when my youngest brother was born. Now he is a little uncle.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! That's so neat about your brother. My youngest brother was almost 13 years younger than me, too, and was also a young uncle. :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by, and you have a great week too! :)

  4. Wow, your busy! Love how you compare how young your youngest is :)

    Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party!

  5. What a wonderful family you must have... you sound like a great mom.

    Thanks for joining us at the UBP.
